Monday-Friday: 7:30AM-5:30PM | Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Pet Ultrasound

Quick, Painless Diagnostic Care with Advanced Pet Ultrasound

Pet Ultrasound

Quick, Painless Diagnostic Care with Advanced Pet Ultrasound

At The Pet Clinic, we’re committed to providing your pets with the best possible care, which is why we offer advanced pet ultrasound services. Ultrasounds are a quick, painless way to take a closer look at your pet’s internal health, allowing for accurate and immediate diagnoses.

Our friendly team is skilled in using this non-invasive technology, ensuring your pet gets the precise and timely treatment they need for various health concerns.

about our clinic –
Big Island pet care center

Dr. Grune, a visionary in the field of veterinary medicine, founded our clinic in 1990. Opening his own practice was the realization of his lifelong dream—to deliver the highest level of care to animals in need.

Through his clinic, Dr. Grune has surpassed his expectations and provided comprehensive and compassionate care for dogs and cats throughout Hawaii. We prioritize client education and have created a comfortable space where pets and parents feel at ease.

Our lovely clinic is located within a retrofitted house. It exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere. The open-air lanai serves as our waiting room, and the surrounding landscaped grounds provide a serene environment to promote relaxation for your pet.

Our hands-on approach ensures that your furry friends receive personalized attention and care. We genuinely strive for the best for your pet and aim to build lasting relationships with both pets and their devoted owners. Our dedicated veterinarians and staff are here to meet all your pet healthcare needs.

Enhanced Diagnostic Technology

Pet ultrasound is an invaluable diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine. This procedure uses sound waves to create images of the internal structures of your pet’s body, including organs like the liver, kidneys, and heart.

It’s an excellent way to detect and evaluate many health issues, from abdominal problems to heart conditions, without discomfort to your pet. The process is fast and entirely pain-free, making it a stress-free experience for you and your furry companion.

Conditions Diagnosed with Ultrasound

Ultrasound can help diagnose a variety of conditions, including, but not limited to:

  • Abdominal issues
  • Heart conditions
  • Pregnancy
  • Tumors or masses
  • Bladder or kidney problems
  • Liver disease

Fast Diagnosis for Better Outcomes

One of the key advantages of pet ultrasound is the ability to achieve a fast and accurate diagnosis. This rapid diagnostic capability is crucial in veterinary care, as it allows us to start treatment sooner, significantly improving your pet’s outcome.

Whether identifying a troublesome abdominal issue or catching a heart condition early, the timely insights of ultrasound can be lifesaving. With ultrasound, we can quickly get to the heart of the problem, paving the way for a faster recovery and a better overall prognosis for your beloved pet.

Schedule a Pet Ultrasound Today

If your pet needs diagnostic testing, consider our pet ultrasound services at The Pet Clinic. Schedule an appointment with us and take the first step towards understanding and improving your pet’s health. Our team is here to provide expert assistance, ensuring your pet receives the comprehensive care they deserve.

The Pet Clinic offers pet ultrasound services for cats and dogs in Biloxi, Ocean Springs, Long Beach, Gulf Port, St. Martin, Vancleave, Wiggins, and Pass Christian.