Monday-Friday: 7:30AM-5:30PM | Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Exotic Pet Veterinarian 

Your Go-To Exotic Pet Veterinarian — Providing Wellness and Sick Care to Your Scaled Friends

Exotic Pet Veterinarian

Your Go-To Exotic Pet Veterinarian — Providing Wellness and Sick Care to Your Scaled Friends

Caring for exotic pets, especially reptiles requires a specialized approach, and that’s where our experienced exotic pet veterinarian team steps in. With their unique biology and care requirements, reptiles need more than just standard pet care.

The Pet Clinic provides comprehensive wellness and sick services tailored to meet your reptilian pets’ distinct needs. Our clinic is dedicated to ensuring the health and happiness of your exotic companions, offering top-notch care and guidance in every aspect of their lives.

about our clinic –
Big Island pet care center

Dr. Grune, a visionary in the field of veterinary medicine, founded our clinic in 1990. Opening his own practice was the realization of his lifelong dream—to deliver the highest level of care to animals in need.

Through his clinic, Dr. Grune has surpassed his expectations and provided comprehensive and compassionate care for dogs and cats throughout Hawaii. We prioritize client education and have created a comfortable space where pets and parents feel at ease.

Our lovely clinic is located within a retrofitted house. It exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere. The open-air lanai serves as our waiting room, and the surrounding landscaped grounds provide a serene environment to promote relaxation for your pet.

Our hands-on approach ensures that your furry friends receive personalized attention and care. We genuinely strive for the best for your pet and aim to build lasting relationships with both pets and their devoted owners. Our dedicated veterinarians and staff are here to meet all your pet healthcare needs.

Expert Reptile Care

Our services for exotic pets, particularly reptiles, encompass a wide range of care. We start with thorough wellness exams, which are essential for monitoring their health and detecting any issues early on.

These exams allow us to provide personalized medical care when your reptile is unwell. We understand reptiles’ specific health challenges and can treat various conditions, from nutritional deficiencies to respiratory infections, ensuring your pet gets the best treatment.

Species We Commonly Treat:

  • Bearded Dragons
  • Leopard Geckos
  • Corn Snakes
  • Ball Pythons
  • Red-Eared Slider Turtles
  • Green Iguanas
  • Russian Tortoises
  • Chameleons
  • Crested Geckos
  • King Snakes
  • And more!

Creating the Perfect Home for Your Reptile

A key aspect of reptile care is their habitat. We offer expert advice on the best housing practices, helping you create an environment that mirrors their natural habitat and meets their specific needs.
Our expertise includes guidance on temperature regulation, lighting, humidity control, and safe enclosure setups. We aim to help you provide a comfortable and stimulating environment for your exotic pet, ensuring they thrive physically and mentally.

Visit Our Exotic Pet Veterinarian!

Your reptile deserves the same level of care as their larger furrier friends. Book an appointment with our exotic pet veterinarian team. We are passionate about reptilian health and well-being, and we’re here to ensure your scaly friend receives the best possible care. Join our family at The Pet Clinic, where every pet — clawed or pawed — receives top-notch care.

The Pet Clinic is your trusted exotic pet veterinarian, treating bearded dragons, leopard geckos, ball pythons, turtles, chameleons, and more in Biloxi, Ocean Springs, Long Beach, Gulf Port, St. Martin, Vancleave, Wiggins, and Pass Christian.